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Using Social Media Content In Your Case

Social media is everywhere and used by a majority of the population.  Recent studies indicate that more users are not only accessing Facebook more frequently, but also that they are using it primarily on their mobile telephones.  Part of this … Read More

Navigating Offers of Judgment

As part of the Georgia Tort Reform package in 2005, the legislature passed a settlement procedure statute meant to put some teeth into settlement negotiations. Now O.C.G.A. § 9-11-68, (a/k/a Rule 68 – Offer of Settlement), allows either party in a … Read More

Medical Funding Companies

Reviewing medical records and billing statements are a routine practice throughout pre-suit and the litigation process. With the rise of third party billing entities, it has become common place to receive a statement that was issued from an entity other … Read More

Georgia Court Of Appeals Affirms Apportionment Of Fault As The Law In Georgia In Two Recent Cases

While these cases fact patterns are not typical liability or insurance defense cases, they demonstrate that the apportionment statute has been held to apply to a wide range of cases and situations and is the law in Georgia with respect … Read More

Case Law Update: The Georgia Supreme Court Confirms That a Non-Party Employer May Be Apportioned Fault

The Supreme Court of Georgia in the recent opinion Walker v. Tensor Mach. Ltd., No. S15Q1222, 2015 WL 7135149, (Ga. Nov. 16, 2015), continued to expand the apportionment law, this time to nonparty employers with immunity under the Workers’ Compensation … Read More

Spoliation after Phillips v. Harmon – Constructive Knowledge of Contemplated Litigation Sufficient to Trigger Duty to Preserve?

Perhaps nothing can be more disheartening than a court finding a defendant responsible for spoliation of evidence. This is because a finding of spoliation gives rise to a rebuttable presumption that the subject evidence was harmful to the spoliator. Thus, … Read More

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